Gail Lovely is a pioneer in the field of technology in early learning, beginning her work in the field in 1983. Gail’s degrees in psychology and education from UCLA and her MS in Educational Computing from Pepperdine University are tangible evidence of her studies, but her lifelong efforts to help teachers and other educators make developmentally sound choices about methods, tools and strategies provides evidence of her passion for the work.
She is known for her emphasis on technology as a tool, her practical approach to education, her appreciation and admiration for teaching and learning, and her skill at making the complex understandable and the difficult manageable.
A former classroom teacher and school- and district-level professional development specialist, Gail continues her work in classrooms as a coach, mentor, and colleague at schools across the nation and around the world.
Gail believes the magic is in the children not the technology, and it is the job of educators and families to provide thoughtful guidance and enthusiasm to encourage children to share their ideas and have their voices heard, often with technologies as the amplifier of those voices and ideas.